 | - Becoming a Pediatrician - Provides information for USA school, college and medical students, with details of requirements, acronyms, time frame and residency programs..
 | - Crash Cards - A pocket-sized reference guide with critical information for pediatric resuscitation. Can be used on ambulances, in any clinic or hospital..
 | - General Pediatrics - A comprehensive resource of journals, continuing medical education, textbook reviews, clinical practice guidelines and separate, searchable databases of conditions for pediatricians and patients..
 | - Harriet Lane Links - A searchable directory of pediatric resources, with entries edited and maintained by staff at Johns Hopkins University..
 | - Medscape Pediatrics - Free full-text articles, daily medical news, continuing medical education credits, resources and databases..
 | - Paediatric Infectious Diseases - Directory for doctors and other health professionals interested in this field and those of immunology and tropical medicine. Includes update details and team profiles..
 | - Pediatric Development and Behavior - Information on the medical aspects of child development and behavior for physicians, psychologists, teachers, therapists, and parents..
 | - Pediatric Oncall - Features disease information, clinical problems, case reports and teaching files, with diagnostic tools and conference schedules..
 | - Pediatric Oncall - Information for medical and paramedical personnel, and parents. A physician-only section requires log in and password..
 | - PediatricLinx.com - News in pediatric medicine for physicians and other healthcare professionals. Daily email newsletter available..
 | - PediatricsKerala.com - A comprehensive site dealing with many aspects of Pediatrics and its relative topics. Information for the public and Pediatrician..
 | - PediHeart - Free membership for health professionals provides access to medical information on congenital heart diseases..
 | - PedTalk - A mailing list for discussion of managed care, running a practice, technological resources, and clinical discussions. Includes archives and joining instructions..
 | - A to Z of Pediatric Primary Care - Search for the most recent journal editorials, review articles, consensus or policy statements, guidelines, analysis and evidence-based-medicine evaluations..
 | - Vani Bhatt - Contains clinical and research information of interest to pediatricians, neonatologists, and biomedical researchers, particularly in the USA..
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